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Giving to the FSGA through your will can make a lasting difference for golf, and there are many ways to leave a legacy to the game of golf through the Florida State Golf Association. 

Bequests to the FSGA can be made for a designated use, or given without restriction to fund all ongoing programs.  A charitable bequest can also reduce potential estate-tax burdens.

Ways to Give through Wills and Trusts

  • Cash - Make a gift of a specific dollar amount 
  • Gifts of Assets - Fund a charitable bequest through real estate, stocks, or other assets
  • Designated Gifts - Give for a specific cause or scholarship 
  • Unrestricted Gifts - Used for the general funding of the association
  • Percentage Donation - Designate a percentage of your estate to be given to the FSGA 
  • Residual Gifts - Give the remainder of your estate (what remains after all other bequests to friends and loved ones are satisfied)

There is no limit on the amounts deductible from federal gift and estate taxes for charitable gifts made by will or trust, so no tax will be due on assets given in this way.

Suggested Language for a Bequest for Unrestricted Use

“I give [insert dollar amount or percentage of residuary estate] to the Florida State Golf Association, a 501(c) non-profit corporation located in Tampa, FL, for its general use and purposes.”

Suggested Language for a Bequest for Restricted Use

“I give [insert dollar amount or percentage of estate] to the Florida State Golf Association, a 501(c) non-profit corporation located in Tampa, FL, to support [choose one or more of the following: junior golf, internship, scholarship, tournament] programs and services. If, due to a change in circumstances, it is not practical to use this fund for this purpose, the FSGA Board of Directors may designate such other use, which, in their opinion, most closely fits my original intent.”

To plan a charitable bequest, inform your attorney of your wishes and ask for advice regarding the best form for your gift.

Click here to see a sample codicil for adding the Florida State Golf Association to your will.


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