Match Play Tree (16) (Seed, City, Tee)
2 and 1WrightMendez3 and 2Round of 16QuarterfinalSemifinalSemifinalQuarterfinalRound of 16WrightHaubenstockFerrieriBrowerKangMendezGarrettHiestandWrightFerrieriMendezHiestand7 and 6Withdrew3 and 219 holes5 and 44 and 34 and 33 and 11 up2 and 14 and 320 holesChampionGennifer Mendez5 and 4FinalWed, May 9Thu, May 10Thu, May 10Thu, May 10Thu, May 10Wed, May 9Fri, May 1132Natalie McNicholas, Naples16Carianne Wright, DeBarySamantha Haubenstock, WestonJuliana Herrera, Plantation252425242920Susie Fonde, JacksonvilleJoann Ferrieri, Lake Worth28Tatiana Gammicchia, University Park12Taffy Brower, Boynton BeachValentina Herrera, PlantationMary Jane Hiestand, NaplesCarolina Garrett, MiamiVilma Sapp, WestonGennifer Mendez, North PortKathi Lundstrom, Sewalls PointOlympia Kang, ZephyrhillsPatsy Ehret, Stuart116143010261531Time: 7:30 am - Tee: 10Time: 7:37 am - Tee: 10Time: 7:44 am - Tee: 10Time: 7:51 am - Tee: 10Time: 7:58 am - Tee: 10Time: 8:12 am - Tee: 10Time: 8:05 am - Tee: 10Time: 8:19 am - Tee: 10Time: 8:26 am - Tee: 1Time: 8:18 am - Tee: 1Time: 12:54 pm - Tee: 1Time: 8:02 am - Tee: 1Time: 8:10 am - Tee: 1Time: 7:45 am - Tee: 1Time: 12:46 pm - Tee: 1Women's Amateur ChampionshipChampionship Flight (Consolation)