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Weather Update - September 2024

Update, Tuesday, September 24th 3:00 PM

(Please check back for frequent updates)

We will continue to monitor Tropical Storm Helene. The events listed below could be effected by this storm. FSGA Staff will communicate with the field at the events potentially impacted. 

Thursday, September 26th

One-Day Lakewood National GC

  • Working on a reschedue date for later this fall

Saturday & Sunday, September 28-29

Men's Net Championship

  • On as Scheduled 

Women's Net Championship

  • On as Scheduled 

FJT Estero (13-18) *Non-Exempt*

  • On as Scheduled 

FJT Pam McCloskey-Brosnihan (13-18) *Major*

  • On as Scheduled 

SW Amateur Series - Hammock Bay *Major*

  • On as Scheduled