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Celebration GC (16-18 & 13-15)

Celebration Golf Club - FJT Event - Rules Corner

2004 Junior Tour Goals



Rules Corner


            During recent Florida Junior Tour events we have had questions concerning rules procedure and how should I proceed?  We will attempt to capture these questions and then educate or clarify them for you.


            Question: When am I late to the tee?


            Answer: Very simple – if your tee time is 8 AM – you are late if you are NOT on the teeing ground (in side the ropes if available) with a golf ball and a club ready to play at 8:00:00 AM. If the clock on the tee indicates the time is 8:00:01 then you are late and the penalty is disqualification. At Florida Junior Tour events, the note found in rule 6-3 is in effect and you receive an additional 5 minutes before you are determined to be a no show. If you arrive within the five (5) minute time frame them you will receive a two (2) stroke penalty on the first hole.


·        The official clock is ONLY on the tee and not anywhere else. Not in the pro-shop, on the driving range, putting clock or on your wrist. ON THE TEE. How hard is it to check on the tee when you arrive or before you warm up?

·        There might be a time when you are late to the tee but the fairway is not clear for your group to hit thus it has become your lucky day, no penalty.

·        It makes no difference if you are the last person to play; the established start time for your group is your time.


            Question: May I hold the flagstick while putting?


            Answer: Yes, but do not use it for balance or touch the putting surface on or near the intended line of putt. That would be a two (2) stoke penalty. If you strike the flagstick with the golf ball you will also receive a two (2) stroke penalty.


            Question: My golf ball hit land on the green side of a water hazard and came back into the hazard. The hazard has yellow stakes and/or yellow lines around it. Can I drop on the green side of the hazard?


            Answer: No, this is real easy.


·        Remember this phrase: If it is a YELLOW hazard you must always play from BEHIND the hazard, always keep the hazard between you and the flagstick.

·        Now you have three (3) options, play where the golf ball lies (could be a dry hazard), from where you last played or keeping the point where the golf LAST crossed the hazard line, could have crossed three (3) times and the flagstick and go back on that line as far as you want. Drop the ball on that line.

·        You can not use the two (2) club length option unless it is on the line – can not go two (2) club lengths to the side.

·        Even if you play from the green side of the hazard (from a bunker behind the green) and the golf ball goes in the hazard, you must play from behind the hazard if you elect not to play the golf ball from where it lies or from back in the bunker.


            Question: Do I get relief from the rock walls?


            Answer: Depends, you must read the Notice to Competitors for clarification. Sometimes rocks maybe part of a drain or culvert or they may be just a wall. The Florida Junior Tour always has the Local Rules on the same side as the hole locations and on the back is the “Hard Card” which explains what rules are in effect at every site.


·        This one piece of paper has all the information you require, another reason to get to your assigned tee early (recommend 5 minutes) so you can read everything and ask questions BEFORE you fold the paper so only the hole locations are visible.


            Question: I still do not know what to do and no Rules Official is present, how do I keep playing?


            Answer: In stroke play you have the right to play another or 2nd golf ball. However, you must follow a very precise procedure found in rule 3-3.


·        You should inform your marker or fellow competitor that you are going to play a second ball.

·        You should identify which golf ball you want to count if the Rules permit.

·        You must report the playing of a second golf ball to the Committee EVEN if you score the same with both golf balls. This is a Rules change. If you fail to report to the Committee you will be disqualified.

·        We strongly recommend that you leave a tee or several tees at the point where the ruling is required and you and you marker may be asked to go back to the location before the Ruling is finalized.


Question: What items can I repair or tap down on the putting green?


Answer: There are only TWO items you may repair. An old ball mark or old hole plug.


·        We recommend you ask a fellow competitor to confirm anything you wish to repair.

·        Walking around the green when looking at your expected line of putt and tapping down something could be a violation.

·        Tapping down an old ball mark then continue tapping close to that area is not good.


Question: I want to withdraw from the event, is there any penalty?


Answer: Currently we do not have a policy, however, that COULD change in the near future. We understand people get sick or have other personnel reasons but poor play or concerns about the stroke average is not one of them.


·        We do forward ALL results to Junior Golf Scoreboard and the American Junior Golf Association including those who do not complete the tournament. If you play one stroke it will be reported.

·        We have had several college coaches at recent events and even more have called and indicated how they follow certain players via the web page. One question is “do you know why that player did not show for day 2 or did not turn a card in”? We tell them what we know and will even look at the scorecard if the withdrawal was during the round.