Time | Tee | Team | Player | Score |
- A - | Return to the top |
9:57 am | 10 | Jr.Golf Assoc. Broward County - Girls A | Christina Amoriello | 86 |
- B - | Return to the top |
8:00 am | 10 | Tallahassee Junior Golf - Boys | Grant Beck | 88 |
8:09 am | 1 | Greater Sarasota Jr. Golf Assoc. - Boys | Erick Bennett | 83 |
9:30 am | 1 | Greater Orlando Junior Golf | Reed Berry | 79 |
9:39 am | 10 | Orlando Minority Youth Golf Assoc. - Girls | Honesty Biggers | 82 |
8:09 am | 10 | Rick Smith Golf Academy - Boys B | Adam Boole | 108 |
9:21 am | 1 | Orlando Minority Youth Golf Assoc. - Boys B | Joshua Bowman | 103 |
9:39 am | 1 | Greater Orlando Junior Golf | Lee Bowman | 83 |
8:36 am | 10 | Sertoma Junior Tour - Girls B | Heather Brownell | 96 |
9:21 am | 1 | Jr. Golf Assoc. of Broward County - Boys B | Daniel Byrd | 84 |
- C - | Return to the top |
8:18 am | 1 | Jr. Golf Assoc. of Broward County - Boys A | Jared Carver | 87 |
8:18 am | 1 | Rick Smith Golf Academy - Boys A | Spencer Ciesla | 91 |
10:06 am | 10 | Jr.Golf Assoc. Broward County - Girls A | Taylor Collins | 78 |
- D - | Return to the top |
9:12 am | 10 | Palm Beach County Jr. Golf Assoc. - Girls | Ploi DeJsubna | 91 |
9:48 am | 1 | The First Tee Miami - Boys | Stefano Diaz | 91 |
8:00 am | 1 | Jr. Golf Assoc. of Broward County - Boys A | Trey Diulus | 86 |
9:03 am | 10 | Palm Beach County Jr. Golf Assoc. - Girls | Dara Donahue | 88 |
8:45 am | 10 | Sertoma Junior Tour - Girls B | Kayla Dunn | 96 |
- E - | Return to the top |
9:48 am | 10 | Symbiotic Golf @ Deer Creek | Melissa Edmonson | 74 |
- F - | Return to the top |
8:54 am | 1 | Eagle Junior Golfers Club - B | Carlitos Fernandez | 83 |
9:30 am | 10 | Lemon Bay Junior Golf - Girls A | Katie Fineran | 87 |
8:36 am | 1 | Eagle Junior Golfers Club - A | Patrick Foster | 84 |
8:45 am | 1 | Gold Coast Jr. Golf Foundation - Boys A | Keith Fowler | 88 |
9:48 am | 10 | Jr.Golf Assoc. Broward County - Girls A | Lauren Franson | 81 |
- G - | Return to the top |
9:21 am | 10 | Lemon Bay Junior Golf - Girls A | Kristin Galek | 93 |
8:54 am | 1 | Sertoma Junior Tour - Boys | Sean Garner | 93 |
10:06 am | 10 | Symbiotic Golf @ Deer Creek | Jennifer Gartin | 76 |
9:03 am | 1 | Sertoma Junior Tour - Boys | Greg Gentry | 83 |
10:06 am | 1 | Heathrow Country Club Junior Program | Larry Gonzalez | 76 |
8:00 am | 10 | Rick Smith Golf Academy - Boys B | Dylan Gorton | 89 |
9:57 am | 10 | Symbiotic Golf @ Deer Creek | Jaye Marie Green | 78 |
9:57 am | 1 | Heathrow Country Club Junior Program | Keith Greene | 76 |
8:27 am | 10 | Sertoma Junior Tour - Girls A | Kayla Griffin | 112 |
- H - | Return to the top |
9:48 am | 1 | Heathrow Country Club Junior Program | Matthew Hannaford | NC |
8:45 am | 1 | Lemon Bay Junior Golf - Boys | Ethan Hanson | 86 |
8:27 am | 1 | Gold Coast Jr. Golf Foundation - Boys A | Michael Heda | 82 |
8:36 am | 1 | Gold Coast Jr. Golf Foundation - Boys A | Ryan Henry | 81 |
9:57 am | 1 | The First Tee Miami - Boys | Marcelo Huarte | 71 |
- I - | Return to the top |
9:39 am | 10 | The First Tee Miami - Girls | Scarlet Im | NS |
- K - | Return to the top |
8:36 am | 10 | Lemon Bay Junior Golf - Girls B | Christine Kaminski | 116 |
9:12 am | 1 | Eagle Junior Golfers Club - B | Keanu Kia | 86 |
9:30 am | 1 | Orlando Minority Youth Golf Assoc. - Boys B | Joseph Killebrew | 79 |
9:30 am | 10 | Orlando Minority Youth Golf Assoc. - Girls | Sequoya Killebrew | 90 |
9:03 am | 10 | Tallahassee Junior Golf - Girls | Callie Kitchens | 95 |
9:48 am | 1 | Palm Beach County Jr. Golf Assoc. - Boys | Chase Koepka | 83 |
9:12 am | 10 | Tallahassee Junior Golf - Girls | Carlton Kuhlo | 90 |
- L - | Return to the top |
9:03 am | 1 | Eagle Junior Golfers Club - B | Hank Lebioda | 75 |
9:12 am | 1 | Sertoma Junior Tour - Boys | Blake Liles | 75 |
8:27 am | 10 | Sertoma Junior Tour - Girls B | Julianne Lind | 100 |
8:00 am | 1 | Greater Sarasota Jr. Golf Assoc. - Boys | Michael Luck | 82 |
8:09 am | 10 | Orlando Minority Youth Golf Assoc. - Boys A | Mitra Lutchman | 96 |
- M - | Return to the top |
9:03 am | 1 | Gold Coast Jr. Golf Foundation - Boys B | Michael Manceri | 84 |
9:30 am | 1 | Jr. Golf Assoc. of Broward County - Boys B | CJ Messana | 85 |
9:57 am | 1 | Palm Beach County Jr. Golf Assoc. - Boys | William Morales | 75 |
9:39 am | 1 | Orlando Minority Youth Golf Assoc. - Boys B | Joe Morrison | 77 |
8:09 am | 1 | Rick Smith Golf Academy - Boys A | Samuel Murphy | 87 |
- O - | Return to the top |
9:21 am | 1 | Greater Orlando Junior Golf | Bryan Odaiyar | 76 |
8:36 am | 1 | Lemon Bay Junior Golf - Boys | Malcolm Oliver | WD |
9:30 am | 10 | The First Tee Miami - Girls | Julie Olmo | 89 |
8:54 am | 1 | Gold Coast Jr. Golf Foundation - Boys B | Michael Oretsky | 76 |
- P - | Return to the top |
9:21 am | 10 | The First Tee Miami - Girls | Alexandra Perez | 76 |
8:18 am | 10 | Orlando Minority Youth Golf Assoc. - Boys A | Anthony Phipps | 87 |
- Q - | Return to the top |
8:45 am | 1 | Eagle Junior Golfers Club - A | Felipe Quiroga | 79 |
- R - | Return to the top |
10:06 am | 10 | Jr. Golf Assoc. of Broward County - Girls B | Paula Reto | 85 |
10:06 am | 1 | The First Tee Miami - Boys | Jaime Rodriguez | 80 |
8:18 am | 10 | Tallahassee Junior Golf - Boys | Preston Rogers | WD |
- S - | Return to the top |
8:27 am | 10 | Lemon Bay Junior Golf - Girls B | Elise Schanley | 109 |
9:03 am | 10 | Greater Sarasota Jr. Golf Assoc. - Girls | Ericka Schneider | 87 |
8:54 am | 10 | Greater Sarasota Jr. Golf Assoc. - Girls | Carly Shea | DQ |
8:18 am | 10 | Rick Smith Golf Academy - Boys B | John Shelton | 95 |
8:45 am | 10 | Lemon Bay Junior Golf - Girls B | Margaret Sheppard | 113 |
8:54 am | 10 | Tallahassee Junior Golf - Girls | Amber Sheridan | 100 |
10:06 am | 1 | Palm Beach County Jr. Golf Assoc. - Boys | Tas Sipowski | 71 |
9:39 am | 10 | Lemon Bay Junior Golf - Girls A | Crystal Smith | 79 |
8:27 am | 1 | Eagle Junior Golfers Club - A | Matthew Stokes | 86 |
8:00 am | 10 | Orlando Minority Youth Golf Assoc. - Boys A | Tyler Stribling | 94 |
- T - | Return to the top |
9:12 am | 1 | Gold Coast Jr. Golf Foundation - Boys B | Zachary Toste | 86 |
9:57 am | 10 | Jr. Golf Assoc. of Broward County - Girls B | Victoria Trapani | 80 |
9:12 am | 10 | Greater Sarasota Jr. Golf Assoc. - Girls | Courtney Treubert | 89 |
- V - | Return to the top |
8:18 am | 1 | Greater Sarasota Jr. Golf Assoc. - Boys | Michael Visacki | 84 |
8:27 am | 1 | Lemon Bay Junior Golf - Boys | Jaime Volez | 75 |
- W - | Return to the top |
8:54 am | 10 | Palm Beach County Jr. Golf Assoc. - Girls | Shannon Walters | 96 |
8:00 am | 1 | Rick Smith Golf Academy - Boys A | David Weinberger | 82 |
8:36 am | 10 | Sertoma Junior Tour - Girls A | Camile White | 108 |
9:39 am | 1 | Jr. Golf Assoc. of Broward County - Boys B | Shane White | 68 |
8:45 am | 10 | Sertoma Junior Tour - Girls A | Jessica Williams | 80 |
9:48 am | 10 | Jr. Golf Assoc. of Broward County - Girls B | Kayla Williams | 79 |
9:21 am | 10 | Orlando Minority Youth Golf Assoc. - Girls | Melody Williams | 83 |
8:09 am | 1 | Jr. Golf Assoc. of Broward County - Boys A | Andrew Wong | 83 |
- Y - | Return to the top |
8:09 am | 10 | Tallahassee Junior Golf - Boys | Taylor Yohner | 83 |