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Patrick Mullen

Patrick Mullen

Hometown: Boca Raton, FL
Age: 34

Tournament Results

Tournament Date Pos. Rd. 1 Rd. 2 Rd. 3 Rd. 4 Total Points
The Palencia Club 05/13/19 10 88 - - - 88 0
Santa Lucia River Club (16-18) 11/04/07 40 83 85 - - 168 0
North Shore GC - Qualifying Series (16-18) 12/10/06 T19 80 83 - - 163 28
Lake Wales CC (13-15) 09/24/06 T23 80 76 - - 156 9

Qualifier Results

Qualifier / Tournament Date Pos. Rd. 1 Rd. 2 Rd. 3 Rd. 4 Total Points
102nd Amateur Championship - The Palencia Club 06/03/19 40 87 - - - 87 0

Trackman Results


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