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Level II Training

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General Information - Level II Workshops

In addition to the on-the-job training that all our officials receive, the FSGA conducts workshops to assist new and active FSGA tournament volunteers in Rules Training and Officiating techniques.  

  • Open to new and active FSGA volunteers only - not open to the general public. Please see eligibility guidelines below.
  • 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM with lunch included
  • Both indoor and outdoor classroom settings
  • Generally small class sizes (8-12)
  • Free! - No cost to attend


Level II - Officiating Techniques & Common Rulings
Purpose & Content
  • New FSGA Volunteers - to review the jobs and tasks performed by officials so that you will be comfortable when working events
  • Active FSGA Volunteer Officials - to reinforce the proper methods used in officiating and to reinforce the most common Rules that we encounter as officials - a great refresher!
  • Content of Workshop
    • 70% officiating responsibilities and methods (jobs officials perform)
    • 30% most commonly encountered Rules of Golf
  • Open to active FSGA Tournament Volunteers   (Certified Rules, Senior Rules or non-certified officials)
  • New FSGA Volunteers - Must have attended at least one tournament day of an FSGA administered event (a ride-along day counts)
  • Highly recommended for all first-year volunteers and for all officials at least once every four years
Class Details
  • 8:30 Arrival Time - Welcome and overview
  • 9:00 - Outside demonstrations and role playing
  • 12:00 - Lunch
  • 1:00 to 2:00 - Outside demonstrations
  • 2:00 to 4:00 - Inside discussions