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Florida Golf Clubs and Golf Courses - Florida State Golf Association

Florida has approximately 1,200 golf clubs and over 1,050 golf courses.

Member Clubs

The FSGA provides services to more than 850 member clubs. Services include: handicaps, tournament management programs, course rating and measurement, Rules of Golf education, and State Championships. Click here for more information on Club Membership.

Handicap Service

Over 830 Florida clubs use the Golf Handicap Index Network system (GHIN) which is promoted and supported by the FSGA Handicap Department. More than 335,000 individuals are utilizing the GHIN system in Florida

Future of Golf Foundation

The FSGA funds the Future of Golf Foundation to provide college scholarships to employees of member clubs and their dependents. Junior golfers are also eligible for college scholarships. The Foundation assists junior golfers with travel expenses to national championships. Each year the Foundation awards more than $100,000 in scholarships and grants.

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